Emily Lozeron

I am a full-time artist living in Northern Alberta and primarily a landscape nature artist. I work in acrylics on Baltic birch or canvas with a focus on capturing what I have experienced. My work gives the viewer a different perspective to what they may normally observe allowing them to connect to nature’s beauty on a personal level.

I have been accepted into prestigious worldwide exhibits in both Canada and the United States and my artwork has toured the world through these exhibits: Birds in Art with Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum in Wisconsin and the Artists for Conservation in Vancouver. I am a member of Artist for Conservation and The Federation of Canadian Artists. I also show with the West Fine Art show in Langley BC.

My work is represented by Grant Berg Gallery in Grande Prairie and the Berg Gallery in Kananaskis, and I am successfully selling work through galleries, social media and in person. My art has been a finalist in Southwest art magazine and has been shown with Arabella Magazine and Archive magazine.

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By the Sea

36″ x 36″ Acrylic

Good Catch

30″ x 15″ Acrylic

Graffiti House

24″ x 30″ Acrylic


22.5″ × 36″ Acrylic

Rock Wall

40″ x 30″ Acrylic on Canvas

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