Joyce Trygg

Joyce Trygg was born in a small town on Nova Scotia’s eastern shore and now resides on acreage near Fort Langley, B.C. with her husband and their dogs, cats and horses. Joyce’s paintings reflect her love and empathy for domestic animals and the awe of the magnificent wildlife she feels privileged to see. Joyce is an accomplished painter, working primarily with acrylics and watercolours. Selected in 2010 as the B.C. Wildlife Artist of the Year by the B.C. Wildlife Federation.

She is proud member several presitiogous organizations: Artists for Conservation; West Fine Arts Shows; Federation of Canadian Artists; Women Artists of the West; and Canadian Society of Painters in Watercolour.

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After the Ride

11″ x 14″ Acrylic


16″ x 20″ Acrylic

Seeking the Shade

18″ x 24″ Acrylic


8″ x 10″ Acrylic

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