Jutta Kaiser

Originally from Germany, Jutta arrived in Canada in 1966 and quickly fell in love with the country and what it had to offer. The encouragement of her high school art teacher in the late sixties led Jutta to pottery, which held her interest for almost 25 years. It resulted not only in the creation of her own award winning pottery studio, but also in being a founding member of a Regional Potters’ Guild, whose membership has since reached well over 200. Jutta’s love for nature and an inescapable desire to capture it took her from clay to photography and ended in fine art. This allowed her the freedom to add her own interpretation to the subjects of her choice. Her tactile approach – and not shying away from experimenting and developing new techniques through multilayered and textured backgrounds – is an attempt to give her paintings that recognizable element.

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Airdance II

32″ x 32″ Acrylic

A Day Without Rain

40″ x 40″ Acrylic


36″ x 40″ Acrylic

Sunset Point

40″ x 40″ Acrylic

Autumn Leaves

46″ x 46″ Acrylic

By the River

40″ x 40″ Acrylic

Romancing the Wind

42″ x 42″ Acrylic


40″ x 40″ Acrylic


42″ x 42″ Acrylic


40″ x 40″ Acrylic

Under the Mulberry Trees

42″ x 42″ Acrylic

Wild Cranberries

42″ x 42″ Acrylic

Up High

40″ x 40″ Acrylic


40″ x 40″ Acrylic

Out Post

40″ x 60″ Acrylic


20″ x 26″ Acrylic

A patch of blue

10″ x 28″ Acrylic / Mixed Media

From Beginning to End

48″ x 48″ Acrylic / Mixed Media


24″ x 48″ Acrylic / Mixed Media


 24″ x 24″ Acrylic / Mixed Media

The Sentinels

24″ x 36″ Acrylic / Mixed Media

Canopy II

40″ x 44″ Acrylic / Mixed Media

The Sound of Glance

48″ x 48″ Acrylic / Mixed Media

April Showers

 23″ x 16.5″ Acrylic / Mixed Media

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