Leslie Lambert

Leslie Lambert (also known as Leslie Redhead) is an award-winning artist, teacher, illustrator, and author known for her dramatic watercolors. Her art focuses on the combination of spontaneity and detail that watercolor has to offer. She continues to explore the possibilities and pushes the medium beyond its limitations to achieve luminous and incredible results.

Leslie’s paintings are in private and corporate collections worldwide. She has a Master of Education in Art Education and holds signatures with the Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour (CSPWC) and with the Northwest Watercolor Society (NWWS). Leslie teaches painting and drawing at the University of Victoria and conducts workshops throughout Canada, the U.S., and Spain. She currently resides near Spokane, WA.

Her work is featured in Splash 10: Passionate Brushstrokes from the Splash: Best of Watercolor series, Leslie Redhead: the life of an artist, and Making It! Case Studies of Successful Canadian Artists. She is the author of Watercolor 365 and illustrator of the children’s book, Island in the Salish Sea by Sheryl McFarlane.

More of Leslie’s work can be viewed on her website at leslielambertart.com


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Liquid Delight

14″ x 21″ Watercolor on Panel

Lily the Pink

14″ x 21″ Poured Watercolor on Panel

Hidden Harbor

24″ x 36″ Poured Watercolor on Panel

Ocean Refuge

18″ x 24″ Poured Watercolor on Panel

Wet and Wild

14″ x 21″ Watercolor on Panel


14″ x 21″ Poured Watercolor on Panel

The Sun Will Rise Again

11″ x 14″ Watercolor on Panel

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