Jean Duguay

My work is a form of abstract , but it has forms and a structure, it’s a combination of chaos and order.

I started painting and drawing at an early age, my work has the same roots and has simply evolved over time.

I have done 2 showings in New York, in 1998 and 2000 at the Agora gallery.

I had the pleasure to construct and display a 3D art video on the ceiling of the 4 Host Nation pavilion

At the 2010 Vancouver Olympic s.

Currently an AFCA signature member with the FCA in Vancouver.

Won numerous awards  with the Federation of Canadian Artists, including POTE first place grand prize twice and also won the Kelowna Cultural District award of excellence.

Over the past few years I have donated numerous paintings to local fundraisers such as the RMH Ronald MacDonald House and the Canuck Foundation House in Vancouver.

Currently being represented at the Kube Gallery in Fort Langley BC.

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Ouch #28

 40″ x 60″ Acrylic

Ouch #20

40 “x 60” Acrylic

Who Died?

28″ x 30″ Ink on arches rag


40″ x 40″ Acrylic


54″ x 60″ Acrylic

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